WASHINGTON D.C. (AA) - U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday any Russian intervention in Ukraine would "provoke additional consequences." According to a statement from the White House during a phone call Saturday the two leaders discussed the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and the possibility of Russian intervention as it reportedly deployed a large number of troops on its eastern borders with Ukraine. "The two leaders agreed that any Russian intervention in Ukraine, even under purported 'humanitarian' auspices, without the formal, express consent and authorization of the Government of Ukraine is unacceptable, violates international law, and will provoke additional consequences," the statement said.
Russia faced a first wave of sanctions after annexing Crimea in March. Another wave followed after the downing of a Malaysian airliner on July 17 which killed all 298 passengers and crew members onboard.
Russia, on the other hand, as a response to Western sanctions applied a year-long ban on imports of food such as beef, pork, poultry, fish, cheese, milk and vegetables from sanctions-imposing countries.
US, Germany warn Russia against intervention in Ukraine
09 Ağustos 2014 Cumartesi 19:53