The Titanic II will be a close copy of the original, which hit an iceberg and sunk into the Atlantic on its maiden voyage just over 100 years ago, but will have some modifications for safety and comfort, as Palmer explained in New York: “It will have the same sort of design, except it will be constructed differently, so that the hull will be welded, it won’t be pop riveted for example. The power will not be by a large amount of coal, it will be diesel electric. We’ll still have three propellers because that was part of the original ship. We’ll have an additional deck which will mean that the bridge is higher and we can see over the bow. And of course we’ll have safety lifeboats, Atlantic first class lifeboats, that will sail around the world themselves as little ships if need be. We’ll have radar, we’ll have satellite navigation and we’ll have air conditioning for everybody. But of course, we’ll utilize the designs and then we’ll have the same Titanic experience you would have had in 1912.” The luxury cruise ship will offer a contemporary experience with wifi internet, a casino, theatre and modern hospital, but passengers will be provided with period clothing in their rooms should they wish to dress up and pretend they are living in an earlier era. Those with the right tickets will be able to experience facsimiles of the original gilded first-class dining and smoking rooms. Although the classes will be kept largely separate, Palmer says he is considering offering ticket packages that allow passengers to experience all three classes during a typical six-day Atlantic crossing.
Titanic II plans revealed
The Titanic II will be a close copy of the original, which hit an iceberg and sunk into the Atlantic on its maiden voyage just over 100 years ago
03 Mart 2013 Pazar 16:01