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Summerians are Turkmens since eternity  

Abbas Ahmed  (Origin text in Arabic, translate to English by Turkmen Aspect website editor)



However hard those try to suppress the rights of our noble Turkmen people, the books, relics and honest pencils are witnesses to the originality of Turkmens and deepness of its roots in history before the birth of Jesus Christ (peace upon him). No one can deny the leading role of Turkmens in building and development of Rafidain Valley before thousands of years, as we Turkmens are builders of Iraq civilization that lighted the whole world. We say that Summerian civilization is established as a result of immigrations from the east and it is strongly related to Turkmen ancestors, this is supported by scientific evidence. Today we present other proofs and links that we were who built and protected this dear homeland since the days of our Summerian Turkmen grandfathers.

What is the origin of Summer word and who are Summerians??

At the beginning, we clarify the meaning of the name (Summer) and its historical indication to inform our dear reader important and precious matters that were hidden for a reason or another:

The name: originality of (Summer) comes from (Suim) meaning love and (Yir) meaning land so it becomes (loving land) as a result of the strongbonding of Turkmens to land, their love to life and creativityas time passed it changed to Summer due to difficulty in pronunciation.
The home of Summerian Turkmens: All Summerian civilization scientists are convinced with no doubt with the strength of Summerian belonging to Turkish lineage (Ural- Altay) and there is a big similarity between Summerian language and Turkish language especially that Turkmen accent whether fromgrammar or presence of common words derived from the same source.Moreover, agreement of scientists and historians that Summerian language is (adhesive) language not connected to Samia and Arya and its belonging to characteristics of the subject that the single stays the same at all times and verbs with an addition to a syllable to it. The historian Taha Baqir said in his book (Introduction to ancient civilizations history) that humanity began from Turkistan country and the ancient civilization in the world is Summerian that began in the North of Iraq first followed by the South civilization later. The original home to Summerians before their immigration to Iraq had passed through several stages in middle Asia between desert (Qora Korm) in North India and (Belkash lake) west Altay Mountains Series kown as (Qargastan) country west china. Turkmens known by relics and history are the siblings of first Summerians builders of the oldest civilization in the world.
Immigration of SummerianTurkmens towards west: Historians revealed that the reasons behind the leave of Summerians grandfathers their home in middle Asia 12000 BC towards west are due to several scientific and realistic causes:

1st: Glacial epochs that covered the half North of the earth totally, the last was the fourth (Form) that pushed them to seek temperate regions less icy than their original places and for several decades. The last glacial echo that stroke the North half of earth globe ended about 10000 BC according to the book (History of ancient Iraq) author Dr. Fawzi Rasheed.

2ndThe inundation that was mentioned in the sacred books and flooded Arabic Island, Iraq and Alsham totally and paralysed life with exception who survived by God’s will, therefore it was time to Summerians to immigrate and they headedtowards this warm area rich in its resources to compensate, so later they settled on Alrafidain land on stages and founded the basis of oldest civilization humanity i.e. Summerian 6000 years ago.


Stages of Summerian advance towards Iraq

First Stage/

This started at the end of the fourth glacial epoch (12000 years ago) after they headed to live in lower degrees temperature, so they were forced to immigrate towards the west, their first step was Toran mound south east Ural lake located to the south of current Kazakhstan so they were known as Toranians as they settled there for several decades.

Second Stage/

This started after the end of inundation that stroke far east Arabic Island 4000 ago, as groups of Summerians left Toran mound towards Khorasan far north Iran.

Third Stage/

Shortly after the second stage, Turkmen left Khorasan towards the Island area South Turkey and North to Alrafidain country to settle there and from a nucleus of the first civilization known as (Half) with the waning of the inundation 5000 BC.

Fourth Stage/

This stage began by entrance of Summerian to North Iraq and settle there after a short rest and building largest castles, cities and villages in the area like Erbil and Kirkuk , Motara and Jarmo villages to settle in Iraq to plant a nucleus of the first and oldest civilization known to humanity 4000 BC which is Summerian civilization this was also supported by Fawzi Rasheed in his book (Ancient Iraq History).

Fifth and the last stage/

This stage began by displacement of Summerians towards sediment plain (South Iraq) that was formed after water waned towards the gulf after it was flooded with marshes and lakes to establish a second civilization and invention of nail writing 3200 BC that is considered one of the top achievements of civilizations in humanity. We are proud to be sons of this ancient civilization.

We stated that the name Summer had a meaning and historical indication of the leading role of Turkmens in foundation of Summerian civilization in Iraq, pointing to the large amount of information that was hidden from people deliberately or spontaneously for a reason or another.

In these following lines, we mention the areas dwelled by Summerians and other matters:

Summerian preferred settlement at North Iraq in two important areas Erbil and Kirkuk, as well as Naynowa and its peripheries before displacement to South Iraq after their population had increased due to the following reasons:

Similar weather and nature of Erbil, Kirkuk and their neighbours to those of Turkistan.
Increase of rivers and streams in the area as well as the lands good for agriculture.
The water and marshes flooded South Iraq totally so it was not suitable for life at that time.

   Summerian after settlement in cities and villages which were called (Akenji) meaning  farms in Turkmen derived from Turkish language (Akenge), and Summerian who preferred the life of travelling as (Kojar) that is (Kogr) in Turkish language, which still used today.


The real Summerian naming of Iraq

The followers of history of names given falsely to our mother homeland (Iraq) which is Summerian in origin will find that many books and historians avoided the use of Iraq due to personal reasons and mention vague names and features like Alrafidain valley, Mewsobotania, Alrafidain country with ignorance. Summerian naming of Iraq was (Iraq) meaning faraway in Summerian language to indicate a visitor arriving from Iraq because of the long distance between Turkistan (their original country) and Iraq, so later they named the region Iraq 6000 ago according to the book (Arab language) author Prof. (Herz Fald).


Historian & linguistic similarities between Summerians and Turkmens

Iraqi Summerian Turkmens settled after the end of inundation that flooded the area more than 6000 years ago, to put the first nucleus of Summerian civilization in building Iraq from the first hours of their settlement.

At the beginning of humanity, Summerians in Iraq hold several dynasties, states and cities:

Lakash dynasty and its centre was Ur city, both names were Turkmen    (La- Kosh) meaning high bird and the second (Ur) meaning big 2200 BC and the famous king (Jood-Ya) the correct (Joot-ee) meaning moons in Turkmen.
The third Ur dynasty 2100 BC, most famous king (Ur namo) meaning the great scientist or legislative (Ur meaning big and namo meaning book) as Urnamo was a famous scientist to issue the first and oldest legislation to humanity 4000 years ago.
Independent governments in Erbil and Kirkuk ruled the area as their reign coincided with king Hamoorabi in Babylon 1790 BC and they were submitted to his kingdom. 

We also cannot forget Turkmen Alhoorrians and Alyakootians had ruled North Iraq for 1500 years 850 BC.

All historical resources confirm today the truth of similarity between Summerians and Turkmens in different life aspects like language, identity and nationality.

Similarities are:

Similarities in language terms, more than 350 term in Turkmen language like the following words and their meaning:

Balda- hammer

Ana- mother

Akar- heavy

Er- man

Bar- fruit

Eyb- rope


Ish- open

Bi- This

Akash- tree

 What was hidden is greater to prove that Turkmens are Summerian or Summerian are Turkmens, moreover Summerian language is from right to left like Turkish language, contrary to Alakadia, Alashuria, Albabilia that start from the left.

This information was transferred from Turkmen Summerians for the researcher Bek Morad Gray.

Similarity between the relics found in Iraq and Turkmenistan like weapons, bronze tools, statues and pottery plates.
Special Researches in the shape of human body of Summerians (head, hair colour, face length and beard) showed they are identical to Turkmens in the following characteristics:
Shape of the head which is wide at the side contrary to Saqiya,Ariya, Indian, that is long.
Round faces, pointed noses, flat forehead contrary to other nations.
Medium height with large chest.
Similarities in customs, clothes like (Alsaya, Alhamdani) that were wore by Turkmen king Lakash dynasty (Joot-ee), in addition to head cover of Summerian women (lajak) common to wear in Turkmen society till nowadays.
Summerians brought animals like horses, donkeys that were used in transport to Iraq.
Alakada building that was famous to Turkmen regions (Kirkuk, Erbil. Talaafar) historically is extension to Alakada construction in Summerian cities (Ur, Aredo, Lakash).

Regarding the fate of the rest of Summerian in Iraq, they melted with other nations that ruled the area like Akadian, Ashurian,  Babylion and others, but Summerians who preferred to live in North Iraq (Kirkuk, Erbil and Naynowa) kept its Turkmen language.


Turkmens before Islam

It is wrong to think that Turkmens lived in Iraq years after the Islamic mission ignoring that Turkmens were present in the country of prophets (Iraq) before Mohamed’s mission (peace upon him) for centuries. This is supported by Professor Husam Aldin Almasili in 1920 to state that Turkmens settled South Iraq (Forat river bank) before the messenger’s envoy.

They lived in Alheera capital of Almanathra particularly in Turkmen tribes(Batok and Banok) after the relations became worse between Alsasiniya and its alliance Almanathra, due to the need of Sasan to their fighting capabilities to have a strong equilibrium factor in the equation. Amasili published his famous research in February 1922 in the Turkish newspaper Ikdam No. 8939.


Some of bright Turkmen views in Islam

The Turkmen Companion ( Baslokhan) grandson of Turkmen tribes leaders and during the period of his leadership, Islamic mission appeared headed by Khalid bin Waleed in his campaign to free Alsham country across Iraq from Romanians in Alyarmook 13 hijri, afterwards Iraq was liberated in 14 hijri led by Saad bin Waqas, till Baslokhan and his tribes  announced their Islam at the end of Alqadisiya battle and he participated seriously and loyally with his followers in all Islamic battles outside Arabic Island to spread Islamic religion to gain Allah content. He and his son Jameel Khan were swords of Alrashedin Caliphs until his death during the reign of Caliph Maawya bin Sufyan in 99 hijri, the state granted Jameel responsibility to supervise Islamic divans for 25 years due to his loyalty and dedication to work.

It is worth to mention the role of Turkmen Companion Abdallah bin Mobarak to serve Islamic religion and strengthen its basis during the days of Alrashedin Caliphs.

Turkmen Companion Sumaya Um Amar bin Yasir (first martyr in Islam) was called Bambog that means cotton when she was a maid, her name was changed when she married Companion Yasir as the prophet (peace upon him) said: Patience Alyasir your meeting is in heaven, because they bore so much pain for the sake of the religion

Turkmen Qanbar who was student of Imam Ali, Mrs Bano the wife of Imam Hussein and mother of Imam Zain Alabdeen( peace upon them), Turkish boy Dormaz student and reader of Koran of Imam Hussein who was martyred in his lap during Altef day, Turkish leader Wathah who refused to fight the Imam Army Abu Abdallah (peaceupon him) in Kerbala 61 hijri.

As well as other men and heroes who were not afraid to die to serve Islam and strengthen its basis for God content.


Kirkuk History and Originality

At the beginning we have to know the civilized world today that Turkmens in Iraq are grandsons of builders of most ancient cities (Kirkuk and Erbil), Kirkuk is considered the second ancient city after Erbil. The oldest indication of Kirkuk (Arabkha) goes back to Summerian epochs.

The era of dynasties, states and cities 3000 BC, this was shown by the German archaeological delegation that visited Kirkuk in 1923 and discovered boards on the top of the castle by chance mentioning (Arabkha) Summer, also the archaeological delegation in 1948 found in its castle, weapons, bronze tools and statues, pottery that goes back to Summerian and even dynasties era.

Kirkuk castle considered as the most prominent historical civilized manifestation in Kirkuk and there is historic information derived from resources about its construction revealing that the castle was built directly after the inundation for protection, defence because of the fear of the unknown or another inundation.

In 1500 BC, Kirkuk entered with Nawzi district (Ana-Ozi) Turkmen’s mother city and its relics present in Yorghan Taba close to the current Kirkuk Turkmen village(Turklan) that was a centre to Hoorians for almost 200 years and it fell by Ashurians 1337 Turkish Ural- Altay dwelled the area between Urfa and Wan since 3000BC, they were able by courage, wisdom and strong army to found a multi sided state extended from Zarkos mountains, Mediterranean sea, to the south of Erbil and Kirkuk.

Kirkuk became a capital to the largest twoTurkmen emirates due its historic place that ruled the area for several decades, these were (Qabjak) and its founder (Arsalan Tash Oghlo) and (Kuk Yort) and its founder (Muhamed Mirz Oghlo) in 6th-10th hijricenturies, Othmanian Salnama 906 Kirkuk was the second capital in Iraq for 500 years.

Also it kept its strategic importance during the days of Alothman reign in Iraq as it was a main security point in Alsultani (Sultan-Yoli) road that extended from Istanbul to Baghdad.

Kirkuk drew a lot of attention from leaders, Amaween, Abbasian Caliphes like Almansoor, Almustansir, Alhajaj Althaqafi, and it was a strategic military base in Iraq like:

Leader Alhajaj Althaqafi 85 hijri took Kirkuk as Turkish army base that was spread along eastern borders of Iraq with Persian country starting from Erbil ending in Bedra to reach 50 thousands fighters led by Turkish leader Khalid known as clever Khalid due to his extreme courage , the Turkmen tribe Alkhalidia.
The year 150 hijri, Caliph Alabasi Abu Jaafar Almansoor protected ports in Kirkuk, Erbil and Mousael by Turkmen tribes due to their extreme courage, wisdom of their leaders and fast reaction.
In 1226 AD Caliph Almustansir Billah spread Albayat tribe across Humrein Hills Qashke Dag and its headquarter was Kirkuk.

Kirkuk and its different names that reached tens, it started from Turkmen Summerian Ara- Baka meaning take care, look 5000 years ago and ended in Ker -Kuk that means profit, also during the reign of Turkmen Iraqi state Qora Qonyolo at the beginning of the 15th century according to the book Dafar nama to his author Ali Yezdi.


At the end, the dear reader has to know that Kirkuk people entered Islam voluntarily without fight as Islamic army reached the city at year 21 hijri , as well some Kirkuk Turkmens are rest of Turkmen Yakootians who took part in ruling Alashurian empire since 850BC defeated Sasani armyin front of Askendar Almaqdooni army in Erbil battle 330 BC most of Askendar army were from Turkmen.

After settlement of muslims in Kirkuk and all entering Islam, they needed special places for prayers and worship, like Jews, Christians so they wrote to the centre of Caliph asking permission to convert Jewish temples and Christian churches to mosques , and the reply came positive, so they named the mosque present in the castle with high minaret (Bigamber-Daniel) meaning Prophet Daniel mosque, later they named the church Mother Mariam, also (Olo jami) meaning big mosque , so Turkmen names were used for tens of decades till nowadays.


This is a brief of much in the right of this great nation that contributed to all humanity with no returns.



Iraqi Sun forums

Historian Husam Aldin Almasili –Turkish Ikdam newspaper no. 8939 for year 1922

Iraqi governments’ forums

History of nursing book-Dr. Ankred

Pharmacy technology book-Professors Funka Hokdal, Queen Haperstad, Andfeld Fikshal Reed

Erbil and Turkmen Identity book- Iraqi Turkmens cooperation and education society –Author Abbas Ahmed November 2012

Arab Language Author Professor HerzFeld



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