In a fire opened on pro-Morsi protesters Monday, 34 people were killed and more than 300 others were wounded in front of Republican Guards Headquarters in Cairo. Muhammad al-Baltaji of Muslim Brotherhood said, "While people were performing morning prayer in front of Republican Guards Headquarters, security forces firstly threw tear gas bombs and then opened fire on protesters."
Egyptian army said, a commander was killed and nearly 40 soldiers were wounded in clashes between protesters and army forces when protesters attempted to raid Republican Guards Headquarters.
Rabia al-Adewiyya Press Center called for urgent help and medics to be permitted in Rabia al-Adewiyya Square and Republican Guards Headquarters, where two million Morsi supporters were besieged, and some others were injured.
34 killed in fire opened on protesters in Egypt
34 people were killed and more than 300 others were wounded in front of Republican Guards Headquarters in Cairo.
08 Temmuz 2013 Pazartesi 01:44