Watch will be personalised so that users can discover new shows, based on what their friends are watching. Viewers will also be able to see comments and connect with friends and dedicated groups for shows. "Watching a show doesn't have to be passive," said the company's founder Mark Zuckerberg in a Facebook post. "It can be a chance to share an experience and bring people together who care about the same things." Video has been available on Facebook for some time, but until now, it has mostly been dominated by amateur clips or short segments from news organisations. The world's largest social network added a video tab last year, and has hinted for some time that it might make the move to producing original content. Watch could open up new revenue potential for both Facebook and programme makers, while users can expect to see targeted advertising before and during the shows.
Facebook introduces new service against YouTube and TV networks
Facebook introduces new service
11 Ağustos 2017 Cuma 03:13