A drunk Turkish man who climbed a 50-metre high mobile phone tower and slept the night away has been rescued by firefighters. Ersin Cevik, 40, was brought back down to earth in Turkey's Manisa province on Sunday after a three-hour rescue operation. Local residents spotted Cevik drinking alcohol as he climbed the tower, which was still under construction, and called police and the fire department. Rescue workers woke Cevik after finding him asleep about 30m up inside the tower. He refused to climb down after arguing with his would-be rescuers, who then called one of his relatives to the scene to talk to him and calm him down, officials said. Rescuers then used a rope stretcher and a crane to lower him to the ground after they found their fire ladder was not long enough. Cevik was taken to hospital without explaining why he had decided to bed down for the night inside the tower.
Drunk man sleeps night away at top of cell phone mast
03 Ağustos 2014 Pazar 02:21