Chief negotiator of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Saeb Erekat has said the US demanded more time from the Palestinian government for a fresh beginning of the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations during US President Barack Obama's recent visit in Ramallah. Erekat added the decision about resumption of negotiations would be made in two or three months. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' political consultant Nimer Hammad stated, "If building of (Israeli) settlements stops and we negotiate the 1967 borders, then the Palestinian government is ready for resumption of negotiations." The negotiations between Palestine and Israel stopped after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's election after which he accelerated the construction of Israeli settlements.
Resumption of negotiations possible between Palestine and Israel
HN, Chief negotiator for Palestinian Liberation Organization Erekat said US wanted more time from Palestinian government for new beginning of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations
25 Mart 2013 Pazartesi 08:17