In a move that is expected to ease the busy air traffic at İstanbul Atatürk Airport, the Defense Ministry has handed over a military area owned by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) at Atatürk Airport to the Transportation Ministry's State Airports Management General Directorate (DHMİ). A tender will be held in the second half of the year for construction on the 600-acre site. In the meantime, it is a matter of debate what the Air Forces Command asked from the DHMİ for the transfer of the area. Talks between the DHMİ and the Air Forces Command went on for years due to the Air Forces Command's increasing number of requests every year for the transfer of the area. Last year, the Air Forces Command asked the Transportation Ministry to build a military facility, which has a cost of TL 600 million, for the transfer of the military area, leading the ministry to suspend the talks.
TSK hands over military area at Atatürk Airport to civilian authority
HN, A tender will be held in the second half of the year for construction on the 600-acre site.
13 Mart 2013 Çarşamba 07:48