The proposed increase – from £130 to £160, or £65 to £80 for early payment – is to ensure greater compliance on the roads and therefore improve traffic flow. The increase would apply to offences on TfL’s road network and for failing to pay the Congestion Charge from early next year.In the past five years there has been a 12 per cent increase in the number of motorists being issued with PCNs. The rise from 1.3 million in 2011/12 to 1.5 million in 2016/17 is a clear indicator that the current deterrent is no longer effective.More than a third of all London’s traffic use TfL’s red routes and vehicles that block roads, drive in bus lanes, park incorrectly or make banned turns, not only cause inconvenience to road users, but create hazards, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists. By keeping these main routes clear, road danger and congestion are reduced, ensuring that London remains an efficient, well-functioning city.
Paul Cowperthwaite, TfL’s General Manager for Road User Charging, said: “We are committed to keeping the Capital moving and by improving compliance we help keep junctions and roads clear, which if blocked cause significant impact to all road users. The overwhelming majority of motorists follow the rules; however we have seen a steady increase in the number of motorists flouting them so it is clear the current Penalty Charge Notice level is not as effective as it once was.”
The consultation launches on Monday 4 September and will run until 10 November, with any changes potentially implemented in early 2018.
Consultation to increase Penalty Charge Notices for offences on TfL roads and non-payment of the Congestion Charge
· Charges would increase from £130 to £160 – and £65 to £80 for early payment – to improve traffic flow and road safety
· TfL reinvests all money received back into London’s transport network