Avrupa Times, Turkish British news for the Turkish Community in the world

Restitution of the property to the foundation of the Mor Gabriel Syriac Orthodox Monastery


On 25 February 2014, the land used by the Monastery was registered in the name of the Mor Gabriel Monastery Foundation in line with the decision of the Foundations Assembly of the Directorate General for Foundations.

Our Government has realized ground-breaking reforms over the past 12 years for all of our citizens regardless of their ethnic or religious background. This recent step taken is a significant progress in terms of promoting brotherhood in our country and consolidating democracy. We hope that this step will have positive impact on the EU accession process, as well.

Our firm stand on the reform agenda in the period before the local elections is a meaningful answer to the prejudiced criticisms against the Government. The Government will continue to take steps that will enhance the stability and brotherhood in the country, and to progress decisively towards its objectives without any deviation from the reform agenda shaped by the EU accession process.


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